Money, Speaking, Work



One of my first speaking events in the UK was to a group of women in 2008. I was a new mother to baby twins and the nation was reeling from the impact of a recession that would have repercussions around the globe. What could I possibly say to encourage these women when I was finding it hard to juggle being a working mum and help my husband stay hopeful when his job in construction was under constant threat?

I’d been asked to deliver this talk because of my work as host of a daily radio programme on a national Christian broadcaster, so the pressure to deliver weighed heavy. Speaking into a microphone from a soundproof studio is very different to speaking to a room full of eager faces looking for wisdom that will lighten their load and leave them feeling encouraged.

As I cried out to the Lord for help, he led me to 2 Kings 4 and the story of the widow and the prophet, Elisha.The widow had come to the prophet seeking help and his response gave me the theme for my talk, along with a treasure I carry with me to this day, “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” I sensed God was calling me to ask this question of the women that day, but He was also asking it of me.

As I stepped out in faith and shared what the Lord had given me, I found myself energised and encouraged, just as they were.

I realised then that perhaps the Lord could use me to communicate the wonder of the treasures in his Word not just through the airwaves of a radio station, but also through writing and speaking.
I’ve since been blessed to speak at a number of women’s events and have had the great privilege of preaching at our local church on occasion.

Consider your time, talents and treasure. What do you have in your hands? What you have in your home? Ask God to multiply what you have and use it for His glory and to establish His Kingdom of heaven ways in your world.

© 2020 by Ruth O’Reilly-Smith

Featured Book

#GodSpeaks by Ruth O'Reilly-Smith

God Speaks – 40 Letters from the Father’s Heart

God Speaks is a beautiful hardcover gift book featuring forty short letters that have been compiled from the promises and affirmations of God in the Bible. Dive into this 40 day journey with God during Lent, at the start of a new year or anytime you feel like connecting with your Maker in a deeper way.