God Speaks – 40 Letters from the Father’s Heart, by Ruth O’Reilly-Smith

God Speaks is a beautiful hardcover gift book featuring forty short letters that have been compiled from the promises and affirmations of God in the Bible.
Also included are scripture verses for you to ponder and space for you to start writing your own letters from your Heavenly Father. Dive into this 40-day journey with God during Lent, at the start of a new year or anytime you feel like connecting with your Maker in a deeper way.
Purchase signed copies of God Speaks from Ruth’s website if you’re in the UK or through your local bookstore or online retailer if you’re outside the UK. God Speaks – 40 Letters From The Father’s Heart is published by Authentic Media.
As you read God Speaks, my prayer is that you will start writing your own letter from God.
The idea that we can hear God speak may seem presumptuous, but throughout the Bible we see God interacting with humanity.

At the start of Lent 2020, I felt prompted to write a letter from God every day for forty days. Within weeks, all radio staff were required to go into self-isolation because one of our guests had tested positive for COVID-19.
I therefore found myself starting this daily letter from God just as the Coronavirus was taking hold across much of Europe. Through all the panic, uncertainty and fear the one thing I looked forward to most was being still at the start of the day and listening for what God wanted to say to me.
He speaks through creation, through the words and actions of people, in everyday circumstances and through His Word. God also speaks when we ask Him to speak and then take the time to write down what we sense He is saying.
If we quiet our racing thoughts and be still for a moment, we can hear God speak.

I was in my teens when I first started journaling. I’d write a letter to God and ask what He’d like to say to me and then I’d write down whatever came to mind. I’d imagine how God would start a letter to me, His child? Then, I’d draw on all the things I’d read in the Bible about how God sees humanity and what He thinks of His children, how He loves and cares for us, how He has forgiven us and cleansed us, how He has good plans for us, plans to give us a hope and a future.
As my thoughts flowed from what I’d read and heard and had been taught about God, I would occasionally catch a glimpse of something new. I’d write a sentence that seemed completely fresh and yet in line with the Bible and I’d get excited as I realised perhaps that was a moment when God spoke to me personally. I’ve journaled on and off over the years and have always found it to be an exercise that deepens my walk with Jesus.
As you read God Speaks, my prayer is that you will start writing your own letter from God.

Endorsements for God Speaks
Ruth’s passion for God and people is evident to all who have the honour to know her…this book encapsulates just that. Her words will draw you nearer to God and make you want to go deeper into His presence.
Zoe Clark-Coates MBE – CEO, charity founder, bestselling author and TV Presenter.
This is a beautiful book full of hope and love from God. The perfect gift for anyone who is struggling in their life. If you enjoy writing a journal, this book provides a wonderful starting point for anyone who wants God to help them write their inner thoughts and grow in their faith.
Rosemary Conley CBE – Businesswoman, author and broadcaster.
Throughout God Speaks, I felt my soul relax in the Presence of God. Ruth O’Reilly-Smith draws together Scriptures sensitively and with deep simplicity, retaining the authenticity of God’s voice as revealed in the Bible. Thought-provoking questions and short prayers at the end of each reflection guide us to a realisation of who we are in God. They invite us to discover what it means to live being loved and fully known by Him. They attune us to the ‘still, small voice’ that we are, through God Speaks, learning to recognise. Each page of this beautiful book gently affirms and encourages, pouring out balm for our weary souls, reminding us again and again that we are precious to God.
Emily Owen, Author and Speaker.
Take a look inside the book
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About the author

Ruth loved writing before she loved radio. Just as speaking on the radio has helped her process much of the complexities of life, so has writing been hugely cathartic. Born in South Africa, Ruth also lived in Malaysia, the UK and Dubai and although she was able to email friends and family back home, she enjoyed writing with ink on paper of the new cultures, foods and wonderful people she was meeting.
In 1999 Ruth travelled to the UK and this is where she met and married her husband and they have a twin boy and girl. Ruth started out in radio in 1995, while studying teaching and although she qualified as a teacher, she was captivated by radio and has remained in the industry ever since. Ruth currently hosts the week day radio show on UCB2 called; This Is My Story.
The Our Daily Bread Ministries publication often formed part of Ruth’s radio prep, so it was a tremendous honour for her to write for them for a number of years. Writing to a deadline and within strict parameters gave her the discipline she lacked in her creative writing. Ruth was also expected to write from two Old Testament and one New Testament books of the Bible every month and this instilled in her a great passion for reading the Bible.
Ruth grew up in a Christian home and has always loved God. He has remained faithful to her even when she was unfaithful and He remains at the core of all that she is. Ruth’s great desire is that she would be able to communicate the love of God in as tangible a way as possible through the media.

My Christian faith is central to all I do and my heart is to communicate God’s love in as tangible a way as possible.
Want to know more about Ruth?