Stand firm mighty warrior. Prepare yourself for battle brave soldier. Equip yourself and be ready for the fight. You may be tempted to war against a physical opponent, but this is a different kind of battle. You will not win by force, nor by strength alone. Victory will only come by my Spirit, for this is a spiritual battle and you war against the spiritual forces of evil and darkness. The battle is mine, but you must be equipped so you can stand your ground. Stand firm then with your helmet secure. This is salvation and it’ll keep away the thoughts that tempt you from your mission. Let your mind be fixed on me alone. Protect your heart with the breastplate of righteousness. Keep soft and tender toward me and my will for your life. Be sure to put on the belt of truth and stand ready with your feet firmly fitted with the good news of peace. Remember to take up the shield of faith and be armed with the sword of the Spirit, which is my word. Pray continually with my strength and under the direction of my Spirit and stay alert. I have given you the victory.
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
Ask God
Where is my spiritual battle?
Thank you that you have equipped and prepared me for this journey with you.
© 2021 by Ruth O’Reilly-Smith