Bible Study, God Speaks

God Speaks – To The Outcast

God Speaks - To The Outcast, by Ruth O'Reilly-Smith

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Though you have been cast out, I will gather you. Though you have been side-lined, I will affirm you. Disillusioned from being marginalised, weary from the fight to be recognised, and troubled that no one sees your hard work, great effort and good heart. I see you. I know you. I know your heart and I love you. I have called you by name. Though no one would have you, I chose you. Out of the miry pit, I called you. I lifted you up and set your feet on solid ground. You stand on this immovable rock. You are mine. I have set you in this place as a testament to my faithfulness. You are a constant reminder of my redemptive work. I have taken your heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh. You have a soft heart, beating for me, and filled with compassion. You have my heart. My thoughts are becoming your thoughts. Speak life. From the depths of your soul, declare my affirming love for you and for those I lead you to. You are not a stranger. You are no longer abandoned. You are accepted. You are loved. My precious one. My delight.

“He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.”

Psalm 40:2

Ask God:

Where am in danger of becoming disillusioned?


Let my affirmation come from you alone.

© 2021 by Ruth O’Reilly-Smith

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#GodSpeaks by Ruth O'Reilly-Smith

God Speaks – 40 Letters from the Father’s Heart

God Speaks is a beautiful hardcover gift book featuring forty short letters that have been compiled from the promises and affirmations of God in the Bible. Dive into this 40 day journey with God during Lent, at the start of a new year or anytime you feel like connecting with your Maker in a deeper way.